DroneSense provides optional support for streaming location and video data from non-drone mobile devices on iOS/iPadOS and Android.
NOTE: Your organization must purchase this feature in order to use it. Contact sales@dronesense.com for more information. A free trial is also available.
Streaming from a Mobile Device
Complete the following steps to stream telemetry and/or video from a mobile device:
- Install the DroneSense app on your iPhone, iPad, or supported Android phone or tablet.
- After logging in, you will be in the Mission Selection view.
- Tap Streaming & Tracking to enter MSAT mode.
- In the Mobile Streaming And Tracking window that appears, select a Mission and verify your Call Sign.
- Change the device type to reflect how the mobile device will be used (i.e., iPhone, Person, Police Car, Helicopter, etc.).
To broadcast only your GPS location, enable the Join with location only option.
- Tap Join. Your device will broadcast its GPS location and video. The location will appear on the map to other operators in the mission, as well as to any viewers using the Operations Hub view. Your map icon will appear as your selected device type.
Check out the video below from our Basic Training Webinars:
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