DroneSense has integrated log reporting, which allows Texas organizations to record additional data against one or more flight records to fulfill their reporting obligations.
NOTE: Texas Log Reporting is a free add-on feature available to law enforcement and public protection agencies in Texas for compliance with state code Chapter 423 for unmanned aircraft reporting. Agencies in other states may also benefit from this feature, and we are working on a more 'generic' reporting form to remove Texas-specific requirements. If your agency is interested in adding Texas Log Reporting to your account, please reach out to our Support team at help@dronesense.com.
Creating Log Files
Complete the following steps to create a log:
- Open DroneSense Web: https://web.dronesense.com
- Log in using your organization ID, username, and password.
- Open the Flights page and make sure the My Flights selector is enabled (default).
- Click the + button in the upper right for each flight you want to include in the log.
If the flight is already included in a log, a blue IN LOG tag is shown in the lower left of the flight card. - Click Add to New Log.
You also can create a new Log by clicking Add New Tx Logs from the TxLogs page.
SAR Reports
You can download a PDF Significant Activity Report (SAR) for any Texas Log by clicking the Generate SAR button to the right of the Archive button above the map image.
Entering Log Data
- On the Create New Log page that appears, all auto-collected data is populated to their corresponding fields. This might take a few seconds depending on the amount of data and total number of flights.
- Once the auto-collected data appears, fill out the remaining data.
The following fields in each section are required. Many of these fields are auto-populated from the associated flight records, but several you can update as needed and as your organization allows: - Flight Information: Flight conducted under, County, Vicinity of, DPS Division, Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC), Visual Observer, AD HOC VO, and Number of Lost Link Events and their total Duration
- Flight Details: Day & Night Flight Time (combined these fields equal total time of the log), and indicate if there was any Takeoff or Landing Damage or Equipment Malfunctions
- Call Information: Primary Purpose of flight, Requested by, Agency, Criminal, Description of how UA aided investigation, Was information collected on an individual, residence, property or area that was not the subject of a Law Enforcement Operation, Flight Synopsis
- All other fields are optional. Be sure to comply with your organization's reporting requirements.
- Use the flight selector to add more flights flown during the same time period or remove flights as needed.
- When you are finished, click Complete Log. If you do not provide a log name, it defaults to Log Form in Progress. If you need to exit before all data is recorded, click Save Log. You can return to any saved or complete log to make changes as your organization allows.
You can view log files from the Tx Logs page. You can View, Edit, or Delete by accessing the Log entry and clicking Edit Log on the page that appears. Once you are finished making your changes Complete or Save the log as in Step 3.
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