The DroneSense Remote Settings page will allow users to edit various settings and configure their DroneSense Remote interface to meet their preferences. This includes their measurement units, date format, Maximum Bitrate (Mbps), Ops Hub Biterate, Custom Search Areas, Keyboard Flying, set their primary altitude, local video recording, video format, establishing sensor preferences, and enabling the DroneSense Remote ADS-B integration.
The Settings Page can be found by navigating to DroneSense Remote and clicking on the Settings icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
The Settings Menu will then appear.
Users will be able to select their desired settings for the following:
- Allows users to select imperial or metric measurement units.
Date Format
- Allows users to select the date format.
Max Bitrate (Mbps)
- The recommended Max Bitrate is 2.5 Mbps.
- This should not be set any higher than 5 Mbps.
Ops Hub Bitrate (Mbps)
- The recommended Ops Hub Bitrate is 3 Mbps.
- This should not be set any higher than 5 Mbps.
Custom Search Area
- This will limit your search to the viewable map area. To enable, zoom the map to the desired area and click Use Current Map Area. Once completed, click Clear Searchable Area to return to standard settings.
Enable Keyboard Flying
- This will activate the Keyboard Control Mapping and enable operations from the keyboard in addition to the Play Station 5 Controller. Please note that a controller will still need to be connected for Remote Operations.
- This will activate the Keyboard Control Mapping and enable operations from the keyboard in addition to the Play Station 5 Controller. Please note that a controller will still need to be connected for Remote Operations.
Primary Altitude Display
- AGL - Above Ground Level
- HAT - Height Above Terrain
Record Video
- If enabled, it will record video on the local computer for playback and review.
Record Video Format
- MP4
- Recommended recording format (Works with Windows and Mac).
- WebM
- MP4
Wide Sensor During Takeoff and RTH
- If enabled, it will automatically switch to the wide sensor on your drone or dock if applicable.
Simulate Dock Flights
- If enabled, each dock flight will be simulated and not actually flown, useful for testing and training purposes.
The settings page also contains the DroneSense Remote ADS-B Integration Settings; click the hyperlink for more information.
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