In this support article, we will learn how to put the docks associated with your remote account into Maintenance Mode and how to accomplish various maintenance tasks while in this mode for your DJI Dock 1 and Dock 2.
To enter Maintenance Mode, you must first be signed into Remote and then navigate to Remote Drones.
You will then select the desired dock from the list of Remote Drones. Within the open dock panel, click the information icon on the far right next to the three dots. This will open the Dock Information Panel.
This panel shows various information about your dock. To enter Maintenance Mode for your dock, click on Enter Maintenance Mode.
The docking indicator will change from Ready to Remote Maintenance. During this time, the dock will not be able to launch or recover any aircraft.
While in this mode, the user can change and adjust the settings of the Dock Operations Panel and the Dock System Panel.
In the Dock System Panel, the user can:
- Restart the dock
- Adjust climate control
- Turn on or off the Dehumidifier
- Turn on or off the Air Conditioner
- Turn on or off the Heater
- Format Dock Data Storage
In the Dock Operations Panel, the user can:
- Open and Close the Cover
- Power on and Off the Aircraft
- Open and Close the Pusher
- Turn on or off Charging
- Edit the Charging Mode
- Turn on or Off the Dock Light
- Turn on or Off the Dock Alarm
If users notice general behavior with connectivity issues or noticeable latency, it is recommended that they perform a refresh and renew action.
To complete a refresh and renew action. You should do a Dock Reset by clicking the Restart Button in the Dock System Panel. This will refresh the dock's connection time and point on the server. This renews the dock connection with the system and can improve system operation.
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