To get the most of the DroneSense Support site, be sure to create a user profile and sign in. Signed in users can:
- View all support articles, FAQs, and troubleshooting information
- Get quick summaries of the latest big features and detailed product release history
- Access the complete user documentation suite
- View your support tickets and interactions with our Support staff
NOTE: The login credentials you use to access the DroneSense software are not linked to the Support site at this time. You will need to set up a new profile for the Support site, as described below.
Signing Up is Easy!
- In the upper right of the page, click Sign in.
- In the dialog that appears, click the Sign up link.
- Provide your full name, email, and click the I'm not a robot checkbox and select the appropriate images to Verify.
- Click Sign up.
- You will receive an email to the address you provided. Click the link in the email to verify your account.
- Return to and log in. You should have access to the full site.
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