The ability to share media into a mission is a very powerful feature available through Operations Hub.
- Suspect Info
- Missing Person Info
- Security Camera from municipal buildings or local businesses
- Camera or video capture device connected to a computer or built into the laptop
- MSDS for Hazmat and NBC response
- Select a mission and click the Share Media to Mission icon
- In the new window fill in the Call Sign and Display Name fields. They can be the same thing.
- Click Video Source and select an option from the list
*If you do not have a camera or video capture device connected to your computer those options will not be displayed- Clicking on Desktop Window will open a new window where you can select to share your Entire Screen, a specific Window, or a specific Chrome Tab
- Clicking on Window will bring up a list of available windows to share. Select a window and your screen will switch to that window. Go back to your web browser and click the SHARE button.
- Clicking on Chrome Tab will bring up a list of available tabs from your Chrome browser to share. Select a tab and then Share and your browser will switch to that tab. Go back to the Operations Hub tab and click the SHARE button.
- Clicking on Desktop Window will open a new window where you can select to share your Entire Screen, a specific Window, or a specific Chrome Tab
- You will now see your shared media listed on the screen. You can remove it by clicking the X. You can also add additional media by clicking on the Share Media to Mission again and repeating the steps above. You can navigate back to the main Mission Manager screen by clicking the back arrow.
- To return to your list of shared media click My Shared Media
- The Shared Media can now be found under Drones & Devices and is also visible using Magic Video Link.
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