By default, all organization members begin on a single team that consists of all members currently in the organization.
Organization Administrators are responsible for setting up teams and assigning Team Administrators within the organization.
Team Administrators then can add new team members, either from within the organization, or by inviting new members to the organization as members of their team (if allowed by your organization).
Flexible Structure
Users can be members of multiple teams. So for example, you might have a Search and Rescue team whose members might also participate in the Event Overwatch team. These teams could have a supervisor responsible for several other teams, or the teams could be lead by members at any level of your organization's hierarchy.
Consider the following organization:
In this example, there are five teams, RED, GREEN, GOLD, BLUE, and the overall team for the org, GRAY. The RED team four members, the GREEN team has two members, the GOLD team has four members (two of whom is also on the BLUE team), and the BLUE team consists of six members (with the previously mentioned two members from the GOLD team).
The GRAY team is the default team that was created when the organization's account was set up, and includes two members that are not members of any other team. Also note that two members of the BLUE team are not in the GRAY team. These members were either added to the organization but only as members of the BLUE team, or were later removed from the GRAY team.
Any of these members can be Team Administrators or Org Administrators on their respective teams.
Data is Tied to Teams
All data within DroneSense is associated with the team that generated it. So if the RED team flies a mission, then the mission, all flights, hardware, incidents, locations, and so on will be associated with (and only visible to) that team. At the same time, if members of the RED team flies the mission under the GRAY team, then all members in the organization would have access to that mission's video streams and telemetry in Operations Hub as well any data gathered from that mission in the Flights, Hardware, Incidents, and other pages in DroneSense Web.
Missions also can be flown under multiple teams, so the RED team could set up a mission and include the GOLD and BLUE teams. In the above example, then, all members except the GREEN and the two members that are only members of the GRAY team would have access to that data.
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