You can interact with the map like any other app on your tablet: swipe to move, pinch or double-tap to zoom. You also can use the + and - buttons on the map controls toolbar to zoom.
The DroneSense flight control app supports multiple map layers: map, satellite, hybrid, or terrain.
Tap the video feed to swap the video and the map between the fullscreen view and mini-window.
Tap the small icon in the lower right to hide/show the video feed.
Additional Controls
Tap Go To Pilot to center the map on the pilot's location.
Tap Center on Drone to have the map follow the drone. Note that the drone will always be in the center of the map view until you tap this button again.
The Map Layers tab also includes a button to clear all drone paths from the map view. Tap the Overlay Layers tab to show or hide the airspace overlays.
Using Multiple Cameras
If you have multiple cameras (such as on the M210 or when using an XT2 thermal camera), tap the small buttons next to the camera controls to access other feeds. You also can switch the displayed video feed by tapping the labels at the top of the video feed window.
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