Be sure to spend some time identifying what you want your program to accomplish for the community it will serve. Define the types of tasks you will accomplish and who the key stakeholders are. Perhaps just as important, you should also give strong consideration for what your program will not be doing. Getting that clarity will establish the bounds of your program and ensure that your pilots know what is expected of them when they're out in the field.
An effective mission statement provides the framework for the use of drones among employees, pilots, and third-party vendors. Establishing this foundation for drone operations protects your organization from significant safety and liability risks. In addition, defining standard processes and a clear chain of command removes ambiguity and allows personnel to focus on the task at hand.
By establishing a standard process and listing out roles and responsibilities, your mission statement provides the organization with:
- Clarity on UAS related regulations
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Ability to share best practices across an organization
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