To find locations on the map in Operations Hub click on the search icon:
You can search by addresses, names of places, and coordinates. After you have finished searching, the Search Results window will be displayed.
Clicking on the search bar will display the option to Use current location which will move the map to your current location if it is available.
Begin typing an address into the search bar. As you enter the address, matching results will be displayed below. You can continue typing or click on the result you want.
Name of Places
Begin typing the name of a place into the search bar and wait for the results to display. Pressing the enter key will move the map to the first result.
If you are typing the name of a store such as Walmart, it will display a list of the stores in the area your map is centered on which, in the image below is Atlanta Airport.
Search Results
After you have finished searching, the map will move to the results you selected and the search result window window will be displayed. If more results are available then there will be an option to Show more results. You can also click Zoom to to zoom in further automatically.
You can search for coordinates in the following formats: Decimal Degrees, Degrees Minutes Seconds, and MGRS/NGRS/USNG
When searching by coordinates make sure to format the coordinates as shown in the examples below.
Decimal Degrees
Can be entered with or without a comma.
30.3356946732 -97.8081464767
30.3356946732, -97.8081464767
Degrees Minutes Seconds
Can be entered with or without a comma and with or without spaces.
097°48'29.32732" W, 30° 20′ 08.50082″ N
30° 20′ 08.50082″ N 097°48'29.32732" W
Can be entered in any length from four to ten-digit grid.
One meter ten-digit grid example:
One kilometer four-digit grid example:
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