DroneSense Mobile for iOS/iPadOS
Version 2021.08.01, available for download at the App Store
New and Improved Features
- Added ability to share markers within a mission
- Initial support for the Autel Evo II Dual 640T
- Initial support for the Mavic Air 2
- Added support for the Mavic 2 speaker accessory
- Added in-app alert when newer version of the application is available to download
- Resume point should now display if RTH is triggered while flight plan is running
- Added options for setting C1 & C2 buttons on the controller
- Added ability to enable/disable Obstacle Avoidance settings for Autel drones
- System now alerts pilot when Anafi needs compass calibration
- Added option to format SD Card for Anafi drones
- App now displays a warning to pilot when RTH altitude is set higher than max altitude
- Improved error message when flight plan is higher than max altitude
- Exposure settings should now update on the UI in realtime
- Updated Exposure Mode switch for Parrot and Autel drones
Bug Fixes
- Fixed app crash when attempting to start a flight plan before adding action to plan
- Fixed scenario where app could crash when selecting unsupported flight planning action with Autel or Anafi
- Fixed app crash when cancelling survey after adding more corner points
- Removed duplicate Z30 settings from the exposure tab
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