DroneSense Mobile for Android
Version 2020.02.11, available from dronesense.com/android
New and Improved Features
- Improved video performance. Because of hardware limitations on Android devices, we are now limiting to only stream a single video feed into Operations Hub. The pilot will not be affected.
- Other drones in your selected mission will now appear on the map
- Feature layers from your selected mission will now appear on the map
- Added ability to add new points to a survey
- Now able to adjust speed, altitude, and radius by single units
- App now automatically filters down the flight planning setup list based on which drones/sensors are compatible with each other
- Added quick survey preset options
- Pilot will be now be prompted if they want to save flight plan after landing
- Coupled the H20T zoom lens with the thermal zoom in side-by-side mode
- Added setting to swap color format of the video feed under the Drone settings
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the H20T and FPV sensors would appear swapped on the M300
- The Radio Setting should now reliably appear when connected to the M300
- Resolved issue where updates to home location while adding a new flight plan action would drop user out of edit mode
- Minor fixes to flight path coloration
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