DroneSense Mobile for iOS/iPadOS
Version 2020.11.03
New & Enhanced Features
- Added initial support for the Autel Evo, Evo II, Evo II Pro, and Evo II Dual drones, with the following base features:
- Streaming to Ops Hub, record video, take photo, Digital Zoom, RTH Altitude, Exposure Mode, Exposure Compensation, flight alerts for all 4 variants
- Flight logging and hardware logging
- White Balance Mode and Custom WB Temp Settings
- Battery Warnings setting
- LED settings
- Video Resolution & Frames Per Second setting
- Photo Resolution & Aspect Ratio setting
- Ability to choose Vis/IR/Pic-In-Pic modes. Zoom only works for Vis and IR (Evo II Dual only)
- Storage Location setting (Evo II models only)
- SD Card available and total sizes (Evo1 only)
- Added a red alert notification with the ability to cancel auto landing and RTH on Autel drones
- Pending Autel Features:
- Thermal palettes are currently unavailable, and are slated for an upcoming release
- Several advanced camera settings
- Some other Autel-specific features may require updates from Autel to support integration with DroneSense
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