DroneSense Web
Available from web.dronesense.com
New and Improved Features
- Skydio Integration: Organizations can now track Hardware and Flight records performed using Skydio aircraft. You can enable this feature from the Admin > Settings page under API Integrations.
- Known Issue: Skydio drone images might not display for some users. This will be addressed in an upcoming release.
- Known Issue: Only the first 25 flights on Skydio aircraft are being processed at this time. A fix has been identified and will be included in an upcoming release.
Known Issue
Some users have experienced issues with some elements not loading after the completion of the 7/20 maintenance update. This is caused by a mismatch between locally cached DroneSense web application data and the newly deployed architecture. To correct this problem, please clear your browser cache.
To clear your cache in Chrome, select Settings > Privacy & Security > Clear Browsing Data and click Clear Data.
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